Home Ventnor Life Ventnor Enhancement Fund

Ventnor Enhancement Fund

Founded in 2004, the charity Ventnor Enhancement Fund started with projects of floodlighting the Cascade and Ventnor Park and planting a few spring bulbs in odd areas. It soon became obvious that Local Authorities in a time of austerity were running out of money to provide non-essential decorations in the town.

VEF considered that such decorations “were” essential enhancements, needed to attract visitors and to boost civic pride in the townsfolk. So, volunteer members of the charity, supported entirely by public donations, donned gumboots, and armed with trowels and compost set about planting colourful flowers in many areas of the town.

Then followed renovation of the sun shelters and various structures and the imaginative restoration of Flowers Brook pleasure grounds.

See VEF website https://ventnorenhancementfund.co.uk for the full list of activities, and if you would like to join one of the charities’ friendly work groups, you would be most welcome.

Chairman: Graham Middleton

Restored spring pond at Flowers Brook
31 January 2022
Last Updated
24 March 2022