Remembrance Weekend 11/2th November
The weekend of the 11th of November saw an act of Remembrance on Armistice Day outside the Royal British Legion Club house
It was well attended, and the Cadets were in town collecting for the annual Poppy appeal together with the local Ventnor RBL branch.
The event attracted several veterans, and I had the pleasure of talking to one such one about his experiences in the 1950’s when he was present at Britain’s first test of the Nuclear bomb. It was an honour to meet so many that have served and to hear of their personal accounts of history.
On Sunday the 12th, a Remembrance service took place at St. Catherine’s church and this was followed by a well-attended parade to the cenotaph by Ventnor park, where a service and wreath laying took place. The Lord Lieutenant and local MP Bob Seely attended both services.
Cllr Steve Cooper, Mayor of Ventnor