The big tidy at Salisbury Gardens
A group of the Friends of Ventnor Botanic Gardens came to rescue the areas around our Salisbury Gardens
building from the weeds and out of control plant growth with their skill and infectious good humour.
We’re very grateful to them for their remarkable improvements to both appearance and access.
Their Chairman, Valerie Pitts, told us afterwards: ‘We all thoroughly enjoyed the morning and left
feeling very satisfied with a good job done. We shall certainly return later in the year to plan and
carry out some improvements to the planting’.
A couple of our VTC Councillors Phil warren, Jim Toogood along with the Mayor Steph Toogood joined the group to help with the clearance of the planted beds. Ventnor IOW councillors Rodney Downer and Gary Peace popped along to show support for the Friends group to reinforce thanks for all of the great work they do for the Botanic Gardens.